ISSP 16th World Congress - Abstract Submission

Registration Form

Please fill in the registration form. All fields marked with an asterisk* are required.


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Topic Your Abstract fit BEST*
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Personal Data Collection Statement

The personal Information collected is for registration and statistical purposes only.


Disclaimer & Indemnity Statement

By confirming this registration, I understand that I will engage in seminars and some physical activities at the conference venue, and I agree to take part entirely at my own risks and that I will not hold organisers / co-organisers, or any supporting organisations/sponsors, responsible for any accident of whatever kind, resulting in death or injury, or for any damage to or loss or destruction of personal properties during the course of the event.  I also represent that I am in good physical condition and that I have no impairment or ailment that would prevent or make it medically unwise for me to engage in physical activities.  I am aware that the organisers / co-organisers may photograph, film, videotape or audio tape some or all of the event, and it is possible that I will be filmed, taped, or recorded.


Please refer to Abstract Submission Guidlines for details.

For any enquiries or assistance, please contact us via email: